Marketing Solutions
Marketing will drive the sales and success of your company. Marketing is comprised of a combination of lead generating activities and follow through on those leads. Marketing today consists of advertising, social media posts, networking, SEO, and a number of other intentional tasks that need to be adjusted constantly.
Below are some tools to help make your sales and marketing easier, quicker and more efficient.
Constant Contact Email Marketing for Everyone
Constant Contact lets you create e-mail marketing campaigns quickly and easily. Easy to use and customize, e-mail templates are great for e-mail newsletters, special announcements and product marketing. Keep track of your customer and potential customers. Create auto-responders.

Other Email Marketing Resources
Only $179.95
Sales & Marketing Pro by PaloAlto Software
Put together a dynamic sales and marketing plan. All the tools you need in one place. You would pay someone hundreds of dollars for a well thought out, strategic plan. This software has it all - from a CRM to Marketing strategies with built in expert advice to guide you every step of the way.
Watch the video below to learn more about this easy to use Windows based software.
No risk, 60-day money-back guarantee
The Logo Creator
by Laughingbird Software
Only $47!
This software is easy to use and can be used for creating logos, headers, special graphics, facebook timelines and more.
Here are some of things I have done with this fun, drop and drag, software.

Easy Graphics Maker
An easy-to-use web-based program for making landing pages (sales pages), guarantee boxes, bullet points, texts, graphics and more.
I use both The Logo Creator and Easy Graphics Maker to quickly create most of my marketing material.

Examples of pages made with Easy Graphics Maker in less than 15 minutes.
Only $39!
I use these clipart images to save time searching for graphics that are free and legal
to use.
Website Business & Sales Clipart
Do have great items for sale but your sales pages are a little dull? Successful entrepreneurs know that success in selling has a great deal to do with product presentation. If you have a great big webpage full of text and no graphics, you have a bad sales page - you keep more attention on your page with graphics, hence you get more sales.
This clipart collection contains over 1600 very useful graphics, ready to copy and paste into you marketing material.
You will receive information electronically immediately after ordering!
You will be able to download the product immediately after ordering!
Here are just a few of the 1600 graphics you'll receive