How to Record a Negative Deposit in QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks Online is a fairly straightforward software to use. There are scenarios (in any software) that can be tricky to handle. One...
Grow your Business with Xero
Starting a small business is exciting! You have an idea. That idea buds with your first sale. Then, a second sale, and before you know...
Is it Safe to Add Users to Xero?
Xero is a cloud based accounting solution for SMB's (small and medium businesses) that has robust features, yet is easy to use. It's...
Don't Dread Bookkeeping - take a fresh look!
Bookkeeping is a necessary part of owning and operating your business. Instead of dreading this vital function, I encourage you to take a...
Are your resources reliable?
Reliability is a word we often associate with our vehicles, our washing machines, and perhaps our best friends. It's also a word we...
Fearful of Technology?
Technology can be scary. Often times I hear these objections to a new solution: I don't want to learn how to use another program or...
Your Time is Money
We're all familiar with the phrase "time is money." But I want you to stop and think about those three words. Many small business owners...
7 Steps to Financial Freedom
The best way to get control of your finances and experience the freedom of being debt-free is to be intentional and have a plan. There...
Ode to Qbox
If sharing your QuickBooks file Is what you want to do And you don't need constant access I have the perfect solution for you! Qbox is...
Managing you’re A/R is the number one way to improve your cash flow
Let me help you set up the right Accounts Receivable management process to make collecting money from your clients easy.